Yes, after 5 years of nothing, it´s time to resurrect this blog.
I will from now on write in English, just because. 🙂
(Please excuse my spelling and grammar errors… 🙂 )
I felt like changing my audio-equipment in my little dungeon, so my Bang & Olufsen Beomaster 2400 will get some fresh capacitors and bulbs.
A bridge rectifier will also be changed, because they apparently is a weak spot.
(Thanks Martin for that info!)
I have ordered capacitors, bulbs and the rectifier from Martin a.k.a. “Dillen” in
He sure knows his way around the vintage B&O:s.
I am currently waiting for it to arrive, but meanwhile i have been preparing the operation. 🙂
After this, it´s time for a B&O Beocord to be connected to the Beomaster, maybe the 2000 or 3300.
It´s not decided yet, but a recap before it will be put to work is a must.
(None of them is working at the moment, but they are probably easier to get running again than the 8000 that need a bit more work.)