As you might have noticed, i have not been updating this page for a while, and the biggest reason is this… 🙂 This is the result of the expansion of my room in the garage where i do all my repairs. From 2×2 m2 to 3×2 m2, so i could add a second workbench. 🙂 I plan to move all my music and computer equipment to this bench, and the old bench are now dedicated for electronics repair. 🙂 I have no need for a fine looking floor or walls as you can see. 🙂
With a switch mounted, so i can change back to the Kernal ROM i had in the machine before, if i would need it in the future.
I also changed the LED from red to blue, and changed the capacitors, if you with keen eyes noticed that on the picture and remembered the picture from the previous post. 🙂
I did a simple speed comparison between an original C64, a C64 with JiffyDOS and when using a Final Cartridge III :
My test file uses 92 blocks on the disk.
Original C64 : 57 seconds.
With JiffyDOS : 9 seconds.
Final Cartridge III : 6.5 seconds.
As you can see, the Final cartridge III is the fastest one when only looking at loading times, so JiffDos is not really necessary if you use this type of cartridge and just loads games. (If i did these tests correctly…. 🙂 )
If you Google JiffyDOS you can easily find an authorized sales channel for JiffyDOS. I bought my firmware from one of those. (A Kernal ROM file) (And i have an order confirmation email and an order ID to prove it if necessary. 🙂 )
It is also available as a chip-for-chip replacement ROM, so you just have to swap the old chip for the new one, for those of you that want the job done quickly. 🙂 Remember that you would have to buy one for your diskdrive too… 🙂
This is my 1995 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. It is my daily driver in the summertime. I discovered a small oil leak from the front of the engine. (A drip of oil on the ground after driving.)
And, the water pump leaks… Those of you who are familiar with the F-body Camaro/Firebird of this generation (Gen. 4) with the LT1 V8 know that this is not very good news for the Optisparc distributor that is located underneath the water pump…
This distributor model is very sensitive to water, and the location underneath the water pump is not a good idea when the water pump leaks and drops water onto it. 🙂
It also misfires sometimes, especially during cold starts.
The sparc plugs also needs replacement, and because the sparc plugs are very hard to reach, some of them are only accessible from the underside, those tends to be left in for much longer time then it should.. (!)
One sparc plug also needs the generator to be removed to get access to it..
Well, due to the oil and water leak, it now needs a lot of attention. 🙂
I have a new water pump, and a new distributor cap/rotor from MSD, a new oil seal and new sparc plugs that i have to replace before this summer.
Preferably anyway, we´ll see if i manage to get this done before this summer or not. 🙂 If i don´t, i will have to use my other car this summer. (A 2008 Saab 9-5 station wagon.)
Since the AC is working in the Saab, but not in the Camaro, this is an advantage since the summers seem to be more hot than for a couple of years ago. 🙂
It would be a good time to replace the AC pump in the Camaro when doing all this, but unfortunately i can not afford this just yet. 🙁
Since one of my Philips CM-8833-II monitors now has S-Video input, all i needed now was an S-Video cable for my C64. After assembly, together with a 300 ohm resistor for the chrominance, this cable is now done! And tested with flying colors. 🙂
This is a Commodore 64 (C64) home computer made in 1984. (The C64 was released in 1982.)
This one is going to be my “daily driver”, and need to get some modifications done. 🙂
I am planning to install JiffyDos that speeds up the access to the 1541 diskdrive. JiffyDos roms are still available for purchase through legal sources. (A link to the site will come in a future post.)
I am also thinking of removing the RF-modulator to get a clean S-video ouput with less interference.
I opened it up yesterday, and manually worked the mechanism to get the cage inside to move up and down, and the CD-tray to come out.
I then plugged in the power cord and tried to start it up to see where it goes wrong. But, it worked like a charm… I tried about 30 times, ejecting the LD-tray and sent it back in, and it worked flawlessly every time.
Tried again this morning several times, and it still works…
Ok then, case closed, for now.. 🙂
I am still thinking of getting a new belt for it, just to prevent failure in the future.
This is a LaserDisc player model Pioneer CLD-D925.
I bought this one new somewhere in the mid 90´s. It has not been used for quite some time now, and i suddenly got the urge to start it up. 🙂
It did not quite like to be awaken from the dead… 🙂 It refuses to open the bigger tray for the LaserDiscs, and instead displays the error code “U1” and opens the smaller CD-tray. (Probably an old rubber belt that has gone bad over the years?)