Williams Jungle Lord pinball machine part 5

Now the sound board is finally working including speech.

Replaced the capacitors and also had to socket and replace both the CPU and the PIA for it to work.
(And also IC5 4050 buffer were socketed and replaced.)

All the boards now seem to work.

It is now time for the playfield, drop targets, switches, lamps, rubbers.

Williams Jungle Lord pinball machine part 3

The Power Supply Board is now ready to be reinstalled in the game and be tested.
All capacitors are changed and all connectors are resoldered.
All fuses are also replaced.
A new connector for the GI were installed because of the previous wires soldered directly to the board.
A new fuse holder were also soldered in on the original spot instead of the external fuse holder that they did previously.

Unfortunately i had to solder in new wires for the incoming power because the previously modder drilled the original holes bigger to fit the larger wire they soldered in…
(I did not want to solder in a new connector that had no support from the hole itself.)

Williams Jungle Lord pinball machine part 1

I got this Williams Jungle Lord pinball machine in for repair.

It has not worked in many years and need a complete overhaul.
The batteries on the MPU had leaked and caused much corrosion on the driver board under it.

I have not tried to boot it up yet due to the leakage, and i also want to repair the rectifier board first to be sure that the voltages are correct.

The rectifier board also has some dubious repairs that i have to fix. πŸ™‚